How will I die? Your Result: You will die in a nuclear holocaust. The country responsible will be an unexpected one. I hope that you will be close to the epicenter of the explosion. Radiation is terrible. Your death, however, will always be remembered. | |
You will die in a car accident. | |
You will die of boredom. | |
You will be murdered. | |
You will die from a terminal illness. | |
You will die while saving someone's life. | |
You will die in your sleep. | |
You will die while having sex. | |
How will I die? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Amazing World. So much more to see, yet so little time.. Life much consumed by school, work, leisure..
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Knowing my true fear
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Being Alone While you may act like you don't care on the outside, on the inside your biggest fear is being alone. You can be quite shy and reserved. You feel like a lot of times people don't really see the real you. You're afraid that no one will really truly love you, and that you will be alone for the rest of your life. On the inside you are great person, so just remember that and don't let your shy nature get the best of you! If you don't want to be a lone then you need to make an effort to be with someone. Show the people that you care about that you really love them, and chances are someone will always be there, even if you think they won't. | |
Where Your life is Going | |
Commitment | |
Looked down on | |
Losing Someone | |
Disappointment | |
Death | |
What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
-Enrollment Time!-
Monday, March 9, 2009
-Meeting stella,SQ-
Sorry for the late updates. I found myself procrastinating my posts.
- walked around,
- Bought Tickets,
- Had subway,
- play some arcade,
- watched the show SLUMDOG $1,000,000 air lols.
- Went back to subway
- went home.
Friday, March 6, 2009
-Another RaNDom Pøs†-

Monday, March 2, 2009
1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say?
- Er, are you sure im not fat? hahahahahaha!
2. Do you trust all of your friends?
- Maybe.. Ill know when not to trust and when to trust..
3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
- Erm, yes.
5. Can you make a dollar in change right now?
- I got 10 cents for 1 dollar.
- I also have 20 cents for 1 dollar..
6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor?
- Doctor?
7. Are you afraid of falling in love?
- Hahahaha! I hate commitments.
- So most probably yes.
- Unless i am able to support both of us, then it should be ok ok alright MAN!!
9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?
- yup yup!! ^^
10. Whats your most favorite scar?
- favourite scar?!?
- Its located on my left temple
11. When was the last time you flew in a plane?
- 4 years ago :(
12. What did the last text message you sent say?
" A thousand plus plus.. LOL. You got receive the letter from SP regarding the the purchase of notebook PC right?"
13. What features do you find most attractive in the preferred sex?
- I dont understand.
14. Fill in the blank. I love:
to be with my friends out on a rainy day :D
15. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
- Excel, get top in Cohort.
- Get the hell out of singapore for a enjoyable holiday with family ONLY after i have a good paying job!!
16. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
17. How many kids do you want to have?
- none..
18. Would you make a good parent?
- Yes i will. But i wont have any.
19. Where was your profile picture taken?
- on where? Facebook?
20. Whats your middle name?
- LOL.. i dont think i have one.
21. Honestly, whats on your mind right now?
- Something i shan't speak of
22. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
- OMG.. ALOT OF things..
23. Who was or will be the maid of honor/ best man in your wedding?
I dont know..
24. What are you wearing right now?
Cotton shorts....Half naked(same as last person who did this)
25. Righty or Lefty?
Left-tarded, righty
26. Best place to eat?
- I would say my families cooking...
27. Favorite jeans?
- Dont own any jeansssss
28. Favorite animal?
Cat.. for now la.
29. Favorite juice?
- Watermelon + pineapple + apple + honey dew + Mango juice?
30. Have you had the chicken pox?
- nope.. Im scared of it >.<
31. Have you had a sore throat?
- Sore throat from eating too much CNY goodies!! Gosh.
32. Ever had a bar fight?
- Nope.
33. Who knows you the best?
- I would say myself, but currently im still not clear..
34. Shoe size?
- feet size ish 12!!
35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
- Glasses..
36. Ever been in a fight with your pet?
- hahahaha!
37. Been to Mexico?
- Nope. not yet.
38. Did you buy something today?
39. Did you get sick today?
- sick of naggings
40. Do you miss someone today?
- i miss.. of course.. i miss people everyday..
41. Did you get in a fight with someone today?
- Nope
42. When is the last time you had a massage?
- nope
43. Last person to lay in your bed?
Myself :D
44. Last person to see you cry?
- myself
45. Who made you cry?
- WHO? Actors in Blood Diamond
46. What was the last TV show you watched?
- nothing.
47. What are your plans for the weekend?
- see what happens
48. Who do you think will repost this?
- Maybe? Being optimistic
49. Who was the last person you hung out with?
Alex, Cs, Kc, Nyssa!! ahahaha!
50. If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY what would you say?
- CAn i think about it first..
-honesty rules-
1. Answer the questions as honestly as possible.
2. Post this as "Did That Happen To You?"
3. Tag 10 friends.
4. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing.
5. Have Fun!!!
- OMFG.. The hair on my back will stand i tell you!!
2. What do you do if you hear a song you like playing on the radio when you are all alone in the room?
- Nod head. Sing along.
3. You want to speak to your crush badly. What is your pick up line?
- "Hey, what up doing now?"
4. What do you do if all your friends hate a particular band that you love?
- ER.. how could that be..
5. What do you do when you trip and fall in front of many people?
- Ill start giggling.
6. You forgot to do your multiple-choice question homework. (the one whereby you have to choose 1 out of 4 options given to you as your answer) and your class starts in 5 minutes. What do you do?
- Tsk. Ill just copy.
7. You have bad breath and someone speaks to you. How do you react?
- OMFG. Ill just keep my mouth shut the entire day.
8. You just finished gym and after a shower, you drop your underpants on the wet floor. What do you do?
- LOL!!
9. What do you do if a personality quiz says that you have a lousy personality as your result?
- I will like WTF.
10. Your friend gave you the worst gift you have ever received and asks: Do you like it? How do you react?
- Awwwwwwwwwww.. Thanks!!
11.(Continued from question 10) What are you really thinking secretly inside?
- >.<" What the heck!! But its the thought that counts.. Even if it looks like SHIT..
12. A hot guy/girl keeps looking at you while you are on the bus. What are you secretly thinking inside?
- OMG.. Is there is something on my face.. ?
- First timer at West Mall/honestly.. -