Sunday, July 27, 2008


OK, let me be frank...  (sarcastic remark : "Hi, Frank... How are you?")


Anyway, i have been BUSY working my fingers on this game called "Djmax". 

LOVE to nuts.. But it pales in complexion when compared to someone.. uh hmp.... 

So, yes, i love the game so much.. Damnit fun. Thanks to Ai Xin for she allowed my game-craving-soul to some new games! Ugh.. 


Mmmmmmm, just finished dinner of SUSHI.. Wa, tell u. The prawns was marvelous sia. Although it was SO EXPENSIVE, its worth it. (4 and a half stars ****1/2)


Today went over to Grandmas' today. Hor! Then when we reached the entrance, my mom and i saw another maid standing there.. She must had been so Paiseh.. But anyway, when my Grandmas' maid came to answer the door, she was SINGing/shouting, oblivious that my mom and i were standing there. Cos she must have thought only her friend (maid standing outside ) was the only visitor.. HAHAHAHA.. 

Ai..! Oh yea, then after eating lunch at grandma's, went to watch TV... Damn man.. Tell u, one of the commercials was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
stupid... It wasn't a commercial per-say (how i spell it.. per-say?).. But it was an advertisement about this ring tone that u can receive on ur phone after smsing to the number on screen. Damn, it was these baby singing ring-tones that really made it one of the WORST ever ring-tone ever!!!!!! 

Shit.. It was really unbearable to watch.. Thankfully it only aired twice, with different baby singing to different songs.. Tsk tsk.. Dont even think of wasting the money on such intolerant tones.. 
The baby's only had their lips moving to the lyrics.. SO FAKE!..

Must be some photo/video editing involved! 

Anyway. Im heading back to my PSP.. Tas.. 

With sincere and constant blogging- ©Bren©   XD

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