As 2oo8 slowly creep into history, another take it's spot -2oo9-.
Crazy people with crazy ways to park. And believe it or not, they have to park at the top floor, meaning every morning, they drive circles all the way to the top, and after shift, drive anti-clockwise circles down.. What nonsense.. LOL .. I would just prefer to take the MRT to J.E and a 52 to the place (TradeHub 21), or rather more direct, a bus from my house. I think you'll waste like 1 hour of time traveling up and down to and fro from the car park within a weeks' of working.
The past year was filled with joy, sorrow, sleepless nights and many others, and who can ever forget the important O's?
Anyway, Im glad to say it is finally over. 2oo8 held may life-changing events for me, and only a fews others may have heard/known. It wasn't a "life-changing" adventure, however more of getting to know myself more sort of. The ability to go beyond my unimaginable means to do so. I was indeed really surprised, that i have to pad myself on the shoulder and say : "bravo!".
Anyhow, recalling this fast-paced-thrill-seeking roller coaster ride, i kind of do miss the chaotic atmosphere. Majority making promises to one another to study after school, however ending up laughing and chatting, which made every single moment spent together even meaningful.
*I got to stop with this touchy loooong essay-like posts, making me look so E(l)mo.. *
Goodness. Those crabs are HUGE!
Wait, im deviating from my post.
I feel sometimes i make my writing so boring to read that some people may just fall asleep at the computer desk. :-@
(But i dont mean to offend.. Hehehehehehe)
I have always wondered what those spirally spirally spirally spirally spirally thingys were, and what was there... Now i know. And it wasn't the best experience. Was there for some popular job, promoting some eye care and some posture support thingy, where selling one entitles a commission of peanuts.
BUT, it was paying 6 per hour, which i felt wasn't bad.
However, i kept wondering " How the hack can one sell an almost $800 device in Popular? Its possible, but selling one by myself, in popular.... ARGH....! Maybe ill sell one in two months.. Not many people are loaded with cash when they step into popular, unless they are credit card holders.
Anyway, that Brief interview was really "tough". Questions like this - what kind of person are you?- are so simple yet so hard to answer. I was really digging deep for a word to describe myself, however my brain seemed to stop functioning ( -_-" ) , so i ended up puking out some random sentence that i cant remember saying.
I felt so dumb for a second. But i tried looking smart. With the interviewer and her wide gazing stare, i was so unmotivated to work. Especially after i found out there was a training that friday at 10 am.. :-0
Jaws dropped in my mind. I was like,
"WHAT! 10 am!?!?!?!?!?!?!?.. Siao arh. Im a heavy sleeper you know?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
So once the interrogation came to a close, i made my mind up, that im not returning for the training. Not that i was lazy, only because i dont see myself in sales.
Ahh, a spark of genius, guess those people who come early, have parking spots available.. And those unlucky ones, well, they'll have to make their way up the spiral to the car park positioned at the top of a 100 story building.. Nah.. Just kidding.. Its only 8 stories.. So most likely 8 rounds up, and 8 rounds down...
And if they work 6 days a week, 16x6 = 96 rounds..
And if you were to work everyday, excluding the one day off, 96x300++ days = 28800+ rounds..
So poor thing for those who likes extra time in the bed..
Oops.. Did i just backfire.. Shit.. Im not working there i tell you!
Ohh oh oh.. Hahaha.. This photo above brings back one of those frightening moments of my life. Just use your own imagination when looking at the picture.
That night, was having "packed- ice kacang" with my mom. My mom was talking about having relationship and stuff.. When suddenly she was asking me some uncomfortable questions. And just so coincidentally, the cover of the container (above) was shaped in an awkward way, that i was snickering at what i saw.. Lol..
(Even if you dont understand what i wrote, no worries, just look at the pics, it'll speak of more than a thousand words..)
WoW, i really typed alot this time round huh?
Well, i had no choice. I really wanted to post something more interesting, but, i just cant concentrate. Anyway.. Be sure to check out my blog tomorrow.
**Gosh, FB has got so many photos of u know who..! Freak.. **
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