Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ma-ta (police in malay) come put you in jail ah..

This may have happened many days ago, Sunday 7 december 2008 precisely, but i got to post it man.. 

It was a day out visiting my grandmother, and sort of a "meeting" place for all, and on that particular day, all my aunts were present. 

You know we all love our musics. Cant live a day without it. 

And some of you know, my phone's mainly occupied by music (those who dont, now you know :P), anyway, most of my songs are downloaded off the net. Yes, it is illegal, i admit, but Millions and Billions of people are breaking laws every second i presume, and here comes the comment that really me unhappy. 

One of my aunts ( translated to english from chinese ) : 

" wah, you download so many music, mata come catch, put you in jail, ..." 

Repeats several times, as though i didnt hear it the first time.. I mean, come on..

I have stopped downloading music since like months ago, ever since i stopped listening music on my phone after my O levels.. 

But wont you feel that the comment said was SO to the extreme.. Its not like i committed an inhuman activity.. Why the need for such harsh reaction and such total intolerance? Its like  so to the society of the some communities.. I rather not name any. Eg; LGBT

So narrow-minded.. 

Many would both agree and disagree, ... but in the end of the day, everyone's built differently, with different thinking ..  

Its like a war out at my grandmother's house, where i got to face stories and insults. Just MYOB please.. >.< 


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