My Bloody Valentine

Anyway, movie overall, was really not to my expectations. Seriously, i expected and wanted myself to have sore throat the next day from watching "My Bloody Valentine" due to the fact i thought i would be screaming my lungs out.
But still, movie was entertaining. Dang, those bloody scenes were really hard to swallow. I mean, for one, i knew those we props. But still, the blood, the opened up bodies, the internal organs being exposed was definitely an attention grabber.
There was one scene where a couple was doing it (winks, you know what i mean), the guy walked out to his truck, and the lady, NAKED, ran out after him holding a gun in one hand.. I wasn't really prepared for that scene.. But you know, im open minded, so whatever i see, hear, i absorb.. So it wasn't a big deal.. Besides, the movie was M18.
Was pretty excited about my very first cinema M18 movie yesterday. That i started worrying that i may not even go simply because i am not officially 18. Thank god they didnt ask for IDs.. haha.. Or else $13 would just fly away.
13 dollars because we caught the 3D one instead of the 2D. The worst part of 3D is, because i am already short-sighted, it was like putting on another pair of glasses. So during the entire movie, my nose hurt like hell. Which was almost a distraction. Hahaha. Just imagine, i was already wearing spects, and on top of that,i had to put on the 3D glasses.. =.="
The after movie part. I bloody hell spent all my money in the 2 outings with Parrot. 20 dollars directed to topping up my Ezlink because im paying freaking Adult fare, when im clearly a teenager.. Had to return Parrot's taxi fare which was the hardest part, cos i already had no money for myself. Then, we went to this restaurant called " The Cafe Cartel" .. Blew 16 dollars on some rack of ribs. Which was not really not satisfying, cos it wasn't filling enough..
Actually, as stated in the menu, the ribs cost 13+ dollars. The inclusion of GST made my jaws drop. Was really, "oh crap, i do not have enough money for it.." Then here i go, borrowed a dollar from PArrot.. NOW i still owe him money, which i was trying not to. >.<"
I feel so poor after that outing with parrot. Like i really blown 70 dollars into nothing.. REally terrible of me.. Sigh * im not rich you know..*