Saturday, February 21, 2009

-EnRolmEnt Letter FrOm SP-

This is really crappy. 
When i flipped open the enrollment booklet, i got struck by SP's guidelines. 
Seriously! I always thought Polys were laid back, where the "teachers" wont go chasing after you for Long hair, even FOR  wearing slippers. 
This is not the weird part. 
The school actually fines people who have long hair (for guys), people who wear slippers to school ( except with reasoning ).. 

Wth! The school is like another "fine" town on its own. You get fined $50 for doing the above stated wrong-doings.  Whats wrong with it? Like, smoking within the school's vicinity, ok, you can go put a fine on it. But SLIPPERS?? 

Maybe it is for safety purpose or something. I dont know. 
Anyway. After i read the guidelines, i was really showing my disgusted look.. Lol!

*i gtg.. Going out. bYe

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