Phew! Another week of poly. Down.
I really hate/dislike thursdays.
Especially the last lesson. Omg.
Its so boring that i could see myself, staring at nothing and laugh just to make the lesson more lively.
Omg. The lecturer is really lecturering. Going on and on. And no Break. Goodness.
I kept stretching my mouth to yawn.
Tears forming in my eye from the constant yawning could fill a bath tub by the time lecture was over.
Its really that dry. How ironic.
Plus, today, my specs lay alone on my table until i came back.
In other words - my i didnt bring my specs to school.
I spent 2 hours in the lecture room, not doing anything.
Because i could not see anything on the screen, and could not be bothered to ask the lady lecturer to kindly zoom in a bit more. Whatever.
Not interesting. Totally a feel of how being in jail is like, only that we have air con installed.
Some more. Just next door, this class, also having the same lesson as us, were laughing away!!!
I mean. How nice it would be to have a teacher/lecturer that jokes, and yet get the lesson done.
It fulfils every aspects of teaching - The students learn and its a joy to study.
Wah lau. Totally damn jealous ok. Hate this lecturer of mine. Reminds me of my EL teacher back in secondary school. Like the dried up salt lakes. Thats how dry.
Rants over. School has been great. Very different from the first day of school.
Then today there is this lame prank i fell for.
This guy he shook my hand, and asked me to smell my hands after.
Thinking i would smell something funny, i took a sniff.
He then slap my hand, causing me to flat palm my nose. :((
Want to box his lights out.
Anyway. Laughing is now my every day thing.
Keep laughing and laughing like no tomorrow.
Bet ill lose weight by just laughing. =]
Before i go. My last project before another given is due next monday. Yay.
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