As the day for release of O level results draw nearer.
I suddenly feel as though i may not excel. * Touch wood*
I cite from a blog " No point thinking about it, since its already over."
Those few words, kind of mended my fear. However, i could not help feeling scared..!
I recently received countless of poly ads.
And opening them, there were courses and its COP ( cut-off point ).
I had several choices already made up, went to look at the COP, and many were like so low. Meaning, the points required to enter the course is like 10, 12 point.

Im scared la.
Of course it doesn't mean the end of the world, but i don't want to end up taking some course that i have no interest in.
Thats my only fear.
( ok, maybe not my ONLY
fear. )
It's really making me panic.
And i know for a fact that, i have not placed my fullest efforts into studying for each paper.
Thats another factor that is causing to behave weirdly. :-@
In a few days, my "fate" will come.

Anyway, It is the 2nd day of 2oo9, and i didnt had school today. Haha..
Poor souls that had to wake up early this morning.
Oh well, their turn will eventually come when they do not have to get up so early.
In fact, i rather be in school studying new stuff.
I miss school, although it has only been 2 months ago that i was in school.
I just cant stand staying at home lazing.
( if only i can find a suitable job )
Nvm, no worries.
Once i get my O level results, ill go start looking for work again.
For now.
Let me REST.
Oh yes.
My sis have been in malaysia since last year.
Coming back next monday. ^^
Thats the first time she wasn't at home during the New Year.
But i kinda like the space when im in the room alone.
Can dump my stuff anywhere, without having it pushed aside.
Its time to sleep.

Oh, before i go, tomorrow going to be collecting bursary.
So lucky to be getting money.. :P
well i want to leave now.
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