I vividly recalled seeing the date 3rd of Jan 2oo9 clearly on the letter, and its venue, however i needed to show it to register before i could be escorted to my seat for the ceremony.
Thank god i found it within some poly booklet. :-@
If not i may not have been able to receive the cash voucher.
I recall something Mr Arthur Fong ( guest of honor ) said.
He said, our parents used to blog even before there were computers and internet.
He was referring to dairies. Thereafter, he touched on a news in straits time today, saying that young children now have public blogs. <>

He also stated about the danger etc. Ok, maybe not DANGER, but rather, we are allowing strangers on the net to read about private lives, which makes me wonder.
It is our choice to do so though, i mean, we blog about stuff that we do during that day, and how days/life have been and the list goes, however, i doubt i read many personal posts. Mostly personal data are kept within themselves. Or even they have separate blogs - dairy and blogger -.
In the end of the day, how can writing our stuff online will directly affect us? I do not see the link. Ok, maybe it does some how. Its helps people be it, reading or writing. It may not be by some popular writer, but somehow, it also allow us to spot one's mistake in their writing and learn from it..
Oh my gosh.. What a load of bull crap!
Ill move on to what i initial had in mind.
So i went to the airport to pick/meet my mom's long time friend.
Really got me excited because i wanted to see T3 finally.
Took pictures, however i found out that many did not make sense.
And some were so random.
Here goes:
The angel ring
The photo below this "no GST" is actually the escalator up to the shops.
The ceiling is so interesting. :P
The wall covered in vines.
Looks really nice.
But the reflection of the glass panels are @#%$#@#$
Another view from dont know where.
Its christmas down there.
(and it looks so EMPTY!!)
The exact recycling bin Alex.c took
Looks damn slick and stylish.
Why is T3 so empty huh?
(but T1 and T2 are buzzing with people)
Look at that spectacular foreshortening view man..
The ceiling is so NICE..
Yes, i find little tiny stuff so fanciful.
Really wanted to go to the spot where u can see the planes take off.
Take me there one day.
Anyway, i tried uploading like last 3 photos, but seems like blogger just did not want to do so.
My mom's friend, bought us a load of chewing gum. OMG.
My jaws are going to fall apart after chewing all that gums.
Im so grateful.
Ill share with you all if u want some. Just got to tell me.
Its 1:40 am...
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